About Us

Find Out More About Who We Are and What We Believe

“Loving, caring and serving in the name of Jesus”

We are a Methodist church though have a membership made up of people from various traditions who feel quite at home in our lively worship and family orientated ethos. We hope that all will feel themselves welcome whether meeting with us for the first or the one hundredth time. 

Our motto correctly reveals our evangelical emphasis, on living out the preaching of the gospel with Christ at the centre.  We look to the Holy Spirit to be at work in us and through us.

In worship we try to be open to the leading and expression of the Holy Spirit. Regular prayer and ministry are offered as we believe the Holy Spirit is present to heal, help, and renew us.  Each member is a minister of his grace and is encouraged to use the gifts given by the Spirit to encourage the whole body.

Worship is a mix of traditional and contemporary music ministry led by a team of people including the Worship Leader, Organist, Worship Band, Minister and Local Preachers. Music plays a big part of our worshipping life with a gifted group of musicians and song writers..

Weekly activities cater for all ages from the very youngest to the oldest including fellowship groups and supporting the community groups who meet at MDMC. A full time children and youth worker leads the youth ministry to our own young people and in outreach to young people in the town.

Our vision looks outward to the world in our Romania Link Project where support is given to vulnerable people in Central Romania through our links with the church there. We support the work of Compassion through child sponsorship around the world, and we support those in need in our local community through Foodbank and a variety of CAP (Christians Against Poverty) groups which are run along with the other churches in the town.

We believe that the only hope for the nation and the world is Christ. Therefore we proclaim Christ crucified, risen, and ascended, Lord of all.

Our Faith

We believe:

That everyone can be saved

That we are part of God’s plan for this world

That Christians have both privileges and responsibilities

That everyone is precious to God and should be valued

Vision and Values

At Market Drayton Methodist Church we aim to:

Share the Good News of Jesus

Present the Gospel in a relevant way

Promote Christian values

We will do this by:

Providing a welcome to all

Confirming the centrality of the Gospel in preaching

Engaging in prayer and Bible study

Promoting varied and relevant acts of worship

Training and supporting youth workers, lay workers and preachers

Encouraging and enabling people in their spiritual walk

Responding to need in the community and throughout the world

Providing appropriate and relevant avenues for children and young people to meet Jesus

Serving the community in Market Drayton in Jesus’ name

MDMC Loving, Caring and Serving in the name of Jesus