& Creche
At MDMC we celebrate and enjoy all ages being part of God’s family. Sunday by Sunday we achieve this by:
On the third Sunday of each month we enjoy a family service where everyone stays together in church for the whole service. These services tend to be fast –paced, interactive and around an hour in length. Fun for everyone!
On the other Sunday mornings we enjoy praise and worship together as a whole church family for the first half hour of each service, then children leave for more age-appropriate worship and learning. In these groups the children learn more about God and living a Christian life, and enjoy different activities including games, arts and crafts, bible stories, discussion, quizzes and prayer. For more info, please contact us via our contact page.
for our 0 to 3 year olds
Parents are welcome to either remain in worship in church, letting their babies and toddlers play together and make new friends, and for the volunteers in crèche to get to know the children and their families better, or to come out into crèche to chat with other parents and the crèche helpers while a live tv link shows what is happening in church.

Bubbles is for children from the term following 3rd birthdays through to school year 2

KaPow is the group for our children in school years 3 to 6

Nitro is our group for those at secondary school

MDMC Loving, Caring and Serving in the name of Jesus