Mission & Discipleship
Sharing the Good News and Building Community.
Being a Christian is not just about coming to church on a Sunday morning, but is something which impacts our whole lives. MDMC seeks to provide opportunity for nurture, wellbeing and growth in many aspects of life. Mission is listening to the heart of God and serving Him. So we do what God asks us to do in His word, the Bible.
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.”

Kid Waving In Worship
Girl Talking To Preacher During Worship
Discipleship on a Daily Basis
Community is at the centre of MDMC, whether it’s our own church community or the wider community.

Loving Our Community
MDMC is a place where all ages meet together to worship God. Our hope is that we might grow together as a big family where we can be honest and open with one another as we all learn to follow Jesus. We support one another in small groups called ‘Life Groups’ and do our best to ensure that everyone who we meet knows themselves to be loved.

Spreading God’s Love In Our Community
We love to be involved in town events, such as the MD10k, Festival of Lights and the Festival of Transport which are great opportunities for us to get to know the town. For those who want to know more about the Christian faith, we run an Alpha Course periodically, and you’re always welcome to pop along to a Sunday Service and speak to one of us then. For children and young people, we also run midweek clubs.

The Wider Community
As  a member of Churches Together in Market Drayton, we are committed to helping those who are in need. We do this by running and supporting a Foodbank, CAP debt advice service and a Job Club. MDMC also hosts and often runs several community groups.

Our Current Mission Projects
Life Groups
Romania Link Project
Life Groups
MDMC enthusiastically support the work of Compassion, sponsoring over 30 children across the world.


Churches Together in Market Drayton
Churches Together in Market Drayton means that the Christian Churches and leaders across Market Drayton unite to serve the community. It is through Churches Together that we support the Foodbank and CAP (Christians Against Poverty)

MDMC Loving, Caring and Serving in the name of Jesus