
There are many different ways to serve.

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community

Gathering – Going – Growing : God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve in our church community to suit your practical and spiritual gifts. Below are some of the most common areas in which you can serve at MDMC. If you are interested in serving on one of these teams (or in another area not listed) please talk to one of the leadership team/stewards.

Creche helpers

Providing a safe place for our youngest church members is essential

We need volunteers to assist Ros on Sundays

Junior Church leaders

Our thriving Junior Church is a place for our young people to grow spiritually 

We need additional volunteers to help when several who are currently serving start their University stage of life! Rotas work on a month-on-month-off basis.

Mini-bus drivers

Fulfilling the ‘Going’ part of our vision includes drivers both during the week and on Sunday Mornings

We need people under 70, whose license allows them, to be on a mini-bus rota.


Helping our services to run smoothly so we can focus on God is essential – this is part of our ‘Gathering’ vision.

We need new stewards from September to be available for 1-2 services a month.

Coffee Rota

If you can boil a kettle, then your services are needed!

We need a house group, family or friends group to provide after service refreshments on months with a 5th Sunday!

Cleaning Team

Welcoming our congregation, visitors and community users into a clean and inviting environment is important

We need people to clean: the sanctuary, the hall, lounge and corridors


Bringing God’s beautiful creation into our sanctuary is a blessing

We need volunteers to sign up to provide flowers for our Sunday services. Membership of the RHS is not necessary!

Kitchen and catering

Sharing food together is a vital part of our pastoral ministry to each other and those in our community.

We need a person/persons to keep an eye on the kitchen’s resources and help create a team for events.

Property Team

A member is needed for practical discussions and willingness to help organise the maintenance of our church premises

We need practical and organisational volunteers


From next year, a new treasurer is needed.

We need someone who is familiar with bookkeeping and finance management. A handover period is available to get to know the role.

MDMC Loving, Caring and Serving in the name of Jesus