We love to meet together as a Church family to worship God.
Sunday services are lively, challenging and uplifting, and we try to be open to the leading and expression of the Holy Spirit throughout our worship.
Our services usually include a mixture of hymns and more contemporary songs, and offer the opportunity to engage in more varied styles of worship. Music is an important part of all our services, and we are blessed by a fantastic group of musicians who help to lead our acts of worship.
Services are led by the Minister or a Local Preacher, with support from a team of Worship Leaders and musicians. Music is led by a band or organist. Occasionally, our services are led by our children and young people. We also live-stream most of our Sunday morning and Worship@6 services on our YouTube channel.

We welcome visitors and would love to have you join us in one of our church services.
We have a service every Sunday at 10.30am where we meet together to worship God. Music is a big thing at MDMC, with our songs being led by a band, or the organ, but always with a deep love of Jesus! Junior Church also meets every Sunday morning, except for when we are ‘All In’ together, once a month. We also have a number of other regular services on Sunday afternoons and midweek which are shown below. Please see the ‘Events’ page to find out more information on seasonal and special services, and the quarterly plan is available on the ‘Downloads’ page.
Sunday Services
Morning Worship
Sunday at 10.30am (weekly)
Morning worship includes Crèche & Junior Church provision.
Refreshments are served after the worship.
The third Sunday of the month is a family service where everyone remains in church to share in worship together in a slightly shorter service suitable for all ages.
Holy Communion is usually celebrated once a month (see plan for details)
Takes place once a month, usually on the second Sunday of the month, at 6pm.
Contemporary-style worship, teaching and ministry.
Details of each month’s speaker can be found on the Events page.
Find out more about Worship@6 here – coming soon
Midweek Gatherings
Midweek Communion
Once a month on the last Wednesday in the month, at 11am.
A short, traditional-style, Holy Communion service led by either Rev. Mark Lawrence or Rev. Paul Clapham
Zoom Prayer Meeting
Mondays at 7pm (weekly)
For zoom meeting details, please see our weekly notice sheet. For information on prayer at MDMC, or to request a prayer, please see our Prayer page.
MDMC Loving, Caring and Serving in the name of Jesus